The New Group of World Servers


Med garden 01

Let me begin today’s writing about the New Group of World Servers with a quote from the Tibetan D.K.

“There are always Forces of Enlightenment present on Earth on a small scale; forces engaged in:

“Influencing the minds of the new group of world servers, the selfless workers for humanity, and the thinkers in every school of thought, working in every field of human betterment; they work upon and through all who truly love their fellowmen.

“They are unable to influence the minds of the closed egocentric person; they can do little with the separative isolationist; they are ineffectual where the theologian of all groups -political, religious or social – is concerned, and they can do little with the type of mind that is concentrated upon personal or group problems (their group, expressing their ideas and working their way) and who fail to see themselves or the group in relation to the whole of humanity.”[1]

Lotus 03In our mental realm there is a lotus and this lotus slowly, slowly opens. This lotus has twelve petals. The outer petals are called petals of knowledge. The next petals are called petals of love. The next ones are called petals of sacrifice. The inner-most petals are the petals of of will, love, and light that charge the outer petals.

There is another beautiful lotus in the world and it is already in formation. It is a lotus formed by those disciples, aspirants, and Initiates who are called the New Group of World Servers. The Teachings tells us that when the lotus is ready, the innermost light will manifest, and that inner light is known as the Hidden Christ.


The members of the NGWS are all third degree initiates and higher; yet these initiates have assistants called aspirants and disciples who are recognizable in their own right. By their own hands and feet they selflessly dedicate themselves to serving those who are already working for humanity. Who, according to the level of their awareness, are supporting and assisting the thinkers in every school of thought, and of those who are working in every field of human betterment. In fact these dedicated servers, who though are not yet third degree initiates…are moving in that direction finding the petals of their Lotus in the process of unfoldment.

Let me give a little bit of information about a third degree initiate – so we can recognize them, and if called, ready to assist them in their endeavors.

First – they are free from the ancient authority of their threefold personality. They can stop their negative thinking, their worrying and immediately start to work on something very creative. They can see or intuitively sense the divine Plan working in the history of humanity; they can also see or intuitively sense the vision behind the Plan, which is the Purpose of God. They are beginning to see why this world was created, why we are here, and how we can go forward toward that Purpose. Their imagination is not blurring their consciousness. Their minds are open and clear, like a sky with no clouds present. Clouds are illusions.

Illusions are those distorted truths that a person retains in his or her mental body as facts, as realities, and deductions which cause their decisions to be wrong because their calculations were based on wrong figures. You could say those who function under illusions is like having a malfunctioning computer where everything that he decides is corrupted by the wrong foundation.

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A third degree initiate is a translator of higher concepts. He has met his Solar Angel face to face. His Solar Angel is his first source of inspiration, ideas, and vision. In fact his personality is now fused with his Solar Angel.

The Third degree initiate is gradually unfolding his mental (higher) powers as he tries to penetrate into the laws of Nature and has a vision of his true essence.


During the time of his of initiation ceremony the physical, emotional and mental nature was flooded with a great light and energy coming from his Lotus. This enables the Initiate to stand in the presence of his/her Solar Angel, to have direct communication with Him, and to bring through service the Intelligence, the Love, and the Will energy to humanity and in his field of human endeavor.

The initiation process expanded the service of the Initiate into greater light, greater vision and in fuller response to Hierarchy, the Lord of the World and Shambhala.

Such a person is a member of the New Group of World Servers.

As always, your questions and comments about today’s blog are most welcomed.

With Love,




[1] The Externalization of the Hierarchy – Section III – Forces behind the Evolutionary Process. P. 462

One thought on “The New Group of World Servers
  1. “There are always Forces of Enlightenment present on Earth on a small scale…”
    How are They able to tolerate the dense atmosphere? Do They reside mostly in the Himalayas?
    It is interesting how “They are unable to influence the minds of the closed egocentric person; they can do little with the separative isolationist…” There is no force, but only inspiration.
    “The Teachings tells us that when the lotus is ready, the innermost light will manifest, and that inner light is known as the Hidden Christ…” Will this be on a large scale? Are we seeing examples of this?


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