Mercury Retrograde Goes Direct Feb 11th, 2015

retrograde MercuryYou may already be feeling this—Mercury is slowing to its station direct in early Aquarius. This is exact at 7:57 am MST tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 11. Mercury turned to retrograde motion on Jan. 21, right after the Aquarius New Moon. Mercury is stationing direct while in a conjunction to the brightest asteroid[1], Vesta.

As the next few days progress, I suggest you take things one step at a time, check your facts, and not make any promises. Mercury stationing has a precarious effect, and it’s very difficult to predict the influence that it will have. The most noticeable energy to work with at the time of a Mercury station is that of reversal.

group 01You may also find yourself having an opinion contrary to that of your family or of a group. So if this is the situation, choose your points well always backing your points with facts and experience. You may not be able to change the beliefs of some in the family or group, but at least they will know your point of view. It is always best to speak up in such a way that that you are more likely to have credibility with those in authority.

Retro Mercury and Aquarius NMThe retrograde phase included a somewhat ominous, impressive Full Moon of Aquarius, and spectacular activity in Pisces, which is not over. Indeed, we are about to experience a beautiful aspect — Venus conjunct Chiron in Pisces. Mars was recently conjunct Chiron; both Venus and Mars will soon move on to Aries, and have their first of three meetings this year, both fresh out of their initiations with Chiron.

Activity in Pisces is lavishly creative and mystical; Venus and Mars conjunct Chiron offers the essence of deep emotional and psychological healing and conscious sharing. It is, at the least, about being fully aware of who you really are, what parts of yourself you want to transform, and what your healing agenda is.

This is highlighted by Mercury retrograde making a conjunction to Vesta back on Feb 5th and with a second one coming on March 4 when Mercury is in direct motion. Vesta holds space for what you might think of as rituals — a clear space where something can come through. This is not necessarily ritual in the formal sense but rather that of opening yourself up to new experience in a conscious way.

Mercury retrograde can dredge up events and revelations from the past. This week there were two of them.

To Kill a MockingbordI learned that Ms. Harper Lee, author of Pulitzer Prize-winning 1960 novel To Kill a Mockingbird, will be publishing her second novel, called Go Set a Watchman. Watchman predates Mockingbird as a written work, and the manuscript was presumed to be lost. But someone turned up a copy, and it’s scheduled for publication on July 14. Ms. Harper has her Sun in Taurus, a good sign for creative people. Taurus grants persistence and staying power, and that unusual mixture of energies which brings about a sense of being strong, solid, and sensitive.

Brian WilAlso in retrograde Mercury news, Brian Williams, the well known NBC Nightly News anchor, has admitted that he wasn’t really involved in a helicopter incident in Iraq 12 years ago. His recent version of the story was that he was on board an aircraft that was struck by enemy fire and forced down. He was actually in the helicopter behind the one that was hit. He is quoted a saying, “I think the continued viewing of the video showing us inspecting the impact area – and the fog of memory [Neptune influence] over 12 years – made me conflate the two, and I apologize.” For further information go to this link : USA Today quotes him




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[1] An asteroid is a irregularly shaped rock that orbits the Sun, mostly occurring in a band asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids range in size from the largest, Ceres, with a diameter of 930 km/580 mi, down to dust particles. (Encarta Dictionary)

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