How to participate in this blog

Transformation, as a way of life. What does this mean? Transformation is the process of evolution, the evolution of our soul, our beingness. If our consciousness stays the same, if it remains static, then we will not evolve. The purpose of life is to evolve, to expand, to increase the quality of our life in such a way, that as we climb higher rungs of the ladder of life, our consciousness will change and evolve. Transformation means change.

This blog, hosted by the White Mountain Education Association and founded in 1982, is to provide a dialogue between myself and you regarding the process of change, of how to progress; how to change our beingness in such a way that we can bloom our full potential. It means changing our consciousness. It takes wisdom and inspiration.

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Please help me to make this blog viable to your life, to our life, by sharing your ideas and stories. I will do the same.

17 thoughts on “How to participate in this blog
  1. What a valuable blog this is for all of us who are striving to change and transform in order to bloom our full potential!
    I have been reading about Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln in a book called “Giants”. They both came from a very hard, abusive, undeducated upbringing. Both men became “self-made” men, a term that reflects transformation performed by themselves through self-education, great striving and sacrifice. Eeach man became a hero, a national and spiritual leader in the truest sense of the word. Their story shows us that nothing is impossible. There is no limit to our ability to transformation ourselves into whatever we desire.

    • Dear Val,
      You are the “first responder” to our new blog. And what a terrific example…Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. When reading about the life of Frederick Douglass, it can give us all hope that anything is possible as long as we have an inner urge to surpass our surroundings and situations. I think such examples show us what it means to live a transformational life.

  2. Thank you White Mountain for the birth of this blog which provides a place to share, reflect and transform and build a new Self as a unified body of consciousness.
    With deep gratitude…

    • Dear Doreen,
      Thank you so very much for your comment. I totally believe that this blog will be a success if a good number of us share our thoughts and life and experiences about living the transformational life. It also will help us, during those “dark nights” not to give up. To realize that we have the power of our soul and our higher Self to get us through the dark times puling us out onto the other side with an increasing Light and Love as well as the wisdom to help others along the way.

      • Thank you Joleen. When I think about living a transformational life, the most profound example that comes to mind is of one I witnessed over the course of many years. I met my Teacher Torkom Saraydarian when I was about twenty years old … I saw him as wise, intelligent, talented and charismatic. I was fortunate to live in the same location as he and therefore able to participate in classes regularly, seminars and work at the centers we built in Agoura and later in Sedona. During these years I watched and listened as he grew increasingly greater in consciousness and creative expression through his lectures, musical compositions, writings and service to humanity. One day, after reading Buddha Sutra – A Dialogue with the Glorious One, I was talking with him quietly in the garden. I told him how I had observed his progress over the years, and that I sincerely felt that he had become a genius. He said nothing, but only looked at me with his shining eyes.

        I had wondered for as long as I can remember what happened that made one person manifest in life as a fool, and another a genius …that question was answered at length and in great detail over the period of time that I was in the presence of Torkom, seeing him ‘operate’ in the various highs and lows of life with one pointed determination – to live the transformational life. He will forever be my example and the one I turn to to remind me to seek the answers to my questions within, with a dialogue with my own Soul.

  3. It seems to me there is beauty and transformation all around us If we begin to share our paths of this process of evolution with each other and share stories of others that have inspired us then it would seem our consciousness will not stay the same…therefore we will not stay “static”.

    We can continue to evolve, climbing those rungs on the ladder to higher consciousness by helping each other along, sharing our experiences and stories of others that have transformed in many ways giving us inspiration to continue our our journey up the ladder of life. It seems, continuing to strive toward higher goals and aspirations will help us all “bloom to our full potential” (as Joleen mentioned). What a more beautiful way to do this than to share with each other and connect.

    As I think of the crises that have occurred in my own life I think of the value of true friendships that have kept me from being “static”, but helped me to see things in a new way and keep moving up the ladder.

    My most personal recent understanding has been of my Moms life after her recent transition. She had changed from “being a wallflower” (as she use to refer to herself in her younger life), to becoming a courageous, strong advocate for women and children over the past 30 years. She built from grass roots a domestic violence shelter to provide safety to women, empowering them, and giving them opportunities to grow, learn, and become stronger, finding their inner strength and potential. She brought programs to schools teaching healthy relationships and brought together many organizations to build a stronger coalition to provide lasting programs to provide for a safer place for children to grow up. She had started her vision 30 years ago while being recently divorced single Mom, leaving her long time career in the music field, she was finishing her Masters in counseling, raising a daughter on her own, teaching piano, and concurring breast cancer…She saw a “bigger picture” of the need for her community and her vision for empowering women and children.

    I see her life as a transformation of continuing up the ladder when so many rungs on the ladder seemed unsteady, but relying on the faith that the next rung will be there to hold onto. She continued to strive and see her vision. She showed me what great strength and initiative women have to offer humanity. She inspires me through her life and remembering that nothing is impossible.

    • Dear prplivr 458. It would be ever-so-nice if you would give us your name, even though it’s not a “must.” Sometimes people share better if they remain incognito! Or use a pen name. Helena Roerich published a handful of her books, using different names – actually names from previous lifetimes. Helena Roerich and her husband were the founders of the Agni Yoga Society. Her husband a master painter. There is a museum in New York City in his name, “Roerich Museum.” A most beautiful place to visit that houses many of his paintings and other treasures.

      In fact thinking back to the first time that I walked into the museum, I left a different person; I was in total bliss. His paintings are incredible, fused with devas (angelic energies), showing us beauty through color and inspiration that is rare. He has a series of paintings of the Himalayan mountains. Also monasteries. In fact the banner of this blog shows a portion of one of his monastery paintings.

      Your mom, I am so sorry for you loss. It takes time to get through it, still, what a gift she gave you, being your mom. The way you describe her, “she showed me what great strength and initiative women have to offer humanity,” tells us that she lived a transformational life and gave such opportunities to all whose lives she touched.

  4. I am so inspired by transformation because it is so much a part of life. We are made to learn, to grow, to change, and move on. Everything about us can change, grow, and expand. Anything that is hindering our expansion of consciousness must be changed, and we may be the only one who can change us. Being in the group consciousness, we grow and expand with the group. We are not limited to our little self. One responsibility we all have is to see clearly where we need to change, then make a decision to change, how, where, and when. We are directors being Directed from On High, from the Self within.

  5. Dear Terry…you wrote “anything that is hindering our expansion of consciousness must be changed.” Well. I think that life brings us those opportunities. The Great Sage El Morya said, “Bless the obstacles for through them we grow.” But not everyone seems to realize that “obstacles” are put in our way for that very purpose…to test our potential for transformation. Some people just “give up” and see themselves as victims. Perhaps that is why Winston Churchill is so often times quoted, “Never never never give up.” This is especially true when we are going through those dark and difficult days.

  6. The path of Transformation can be a challenging one; having to face oneself over and over again. But each obstacle that is revealed gives one an opportunity for growth and evolution. The blessing is having a group, a Teacher, coworkers to walk this path with. It is such a joy to overcome an obstacle, to see the success of others and to read about the challenges and victories on the path of transformation. On this path we are working together toward a better future. Thank you Joleen for starting this blog so that we can share our experiences and help one another to continue on the path of Light and Love so that we become servers for the progress of humanity.

  7. Relating to the reminders to never give up, it was reassuring and inspiring to find this passage in New Dimensions in Healing where he is listing steps, one of which is striving to a future vision. “Some of the Great Ones were Those who passed through the paths of many failures, but They never gave up Their vision”.
    I am most happy about this blog you have created Joleen. A true gift it is.

  8. I feel a joy and a hope in reading this blog on transformation. Thank you for creating it Joleen and for all the comments given. Living a transformational life takes guts and perseverance as others have mentioned. To me, at its core is the recognition, deep within us, that we can be greater than we are now, that there is a beauty within us that we can aspire to reach. It is necessary to realize this innate beauty to give us the strength to see the ugliness that needs transforming. While it is painful to have experiences where we recognize our ego or vanity, for example, this pain can lead to greater liberation for we can realize we are more than the ego, more than the vanity. We can work to “throw the ego into the ocean.” Every observation, every facing of ourselves, every decision to stop it and to act with humility instead is a step in the right direction.


  9. I have been thinking about the Bach flower essence Walnut. Recently I decided that I would start using it again. Also I began thinking about how it fits into this conversation about transformation, so I thought I would post about it. Maybe it could be useful for someone else as well.
    Information here is taken from “Flower Essence Repertory”
    Walnut – Positive Qualities: Freedom from limiting influences, making healthy transitions in life, courage to follow one’s own path and destiny.
    Patterns of imbalance: Overly influenced by the beliefs and values of family or community, or by past experiences.
    The human soul is akin to the plant in its patterns of growth. It grows slowly, almost imperceptibly from day to day, but there are moments when it makes radical, metamorphic changes, moving beyond it current form to something utterly new. Walnut flower essence is an important remedy for times of great life passages when the Self must be completely and irrevocably transformed in or to continue its evolution.”
    In another part is says: “It is especially powerful in the mental field, helping to dispel any enchantment, illusion, or spell which may bind the soul to the past. Walnut helps the soul to perceive and follow its true Star of Destiny.”

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