What We Believe…

WMEA LogoWe believe in the One Almighty Power in the Universe, the Creator of all forms, from which all life emanates.

We believe that a Spark of the Creator lives within each and every heart.

We believe that through the Principles of Beauty, Goodness, Freedom, Righteousness, and Joy, humanity can discover its spiritual potentials and learn to unfold its inner divinity.

We believe that throughout the many ages, perfected beings, Great Ones, have been sent as Divine Emissaries to teach the ways of God as a means to direct humanity’s progressive evolution.

We believe that the Christ, as an Embodiment of Love and the Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, brings to us a Way toward which we can strive toward Perfection.

We believe that we are all children of the One Life, responsible to one another for our well-being, prosperity, health, and happiness.

We believe in the concept of divine immortality.

We believe in the importance of the cultivation of virtues, including courage, fearlesness, compassion, patience, kindness, tolerance, humility, and generosity.

We believe that each human being can unfold their true spiritual nature to discover and manifest the center of Creativity within.

We believe in the abundance of the universe, in the Law of Prosperity, and that to those who, in the spirit of inclusiveness, work to meet the need of the Common Good, help will be given.

We believe that all can be accomplished in Beauty and through Beauty.

We believe that sacrificial service is one of the keys to the transformation of oneself and others.

We believe in the sacredness of all life; in the concept of a world unified in its shared respect of one another’s culture, race, color, beliefs; and that in this shared respect will come the future blooming of humanity.

© 1985–2022 WMEA