Donation Opportunities |
The White Mountain Education Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. You can make a donation through PayPal |
GENERAL DONATION: As our responsibilities increase and our tasks multiply, our financial needs expand. In the light of the laws of prosperity, we know our needs will be met. In serving others we are serving God and Hierarchy. One of the greatest and most beautiful things in life is to serve others.
PUBLISHING: In addition to our general publishing needs, we have several educational books on our current schedule, including several Agni Yoga-related works.
BUILDING FUND: In 2013 we purchased a rural property where we developed our beautiful sanctuary, Izvara. This is where we meet for classes, Sunday services, workshops, and seminars. Izvara houses a reading room, a bookstore, office space, and a large meeting room. On the grounds, we have created a sacred meditation garden and a community vegetable garden. We have plans for expansion and improvements to the property. We appreciate all donations for Izvara.