Elementals & How They Affect Our Decisions and Life

Dear Friends,

Today’s blog is about elementals and how they affect our decisions and life. This blog has been excerpted from my Sunday Talk which will be tomorrow, Sept 13, 2014. I encourage you to go to the WMEA YouTube account on the internet to hear the whole Sunday Talk, which will be posted Sunday evening, if you have an interest. To find the site, simply go to the top of the blog and click on YouTube. Meanwhile, your comments, insights and sharing of experiences will help us to become more aware of their existence, the existence of elementals..

It says in the Bible that God created man in His own image. That image is within you; that image is the foundation of who you are. But according to the Teachings it has been spoiled, distorted and disfigured by three entities that we call the elementals. The physical, emotional, and mental elementals make so much noise that we can no longer “hear,” and thus we eventually go to sleep, becoming their victim.

These elementals do many things. When we make a decision and speak about it, the elementals then go against that decision. They cannot wait to spoil and distort our decisions, plans and visions. They want to suck us in and eventually make us one of them.

The physical elemental has five characteristics. The emotional elemental has seven characteristics. And the mental elemental has five characteristics. These elementals use all seventeen characteristics to “get us” and spoil the initial image that God projected – His vision. Spirit took form and became the “human spirit” charged with His purpose. This is God’s idea of you.

It is important that we untangle ourselves from these three so-called enemies working within us. Of course they are not really our enemies; but they are simply ignorant about our purpose. And because they are tied to our bodies and run with us, we are supposed to carry them forward. But instead, we let them pull us backward. It depends on who is stronger, the bodies or the elementals.
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7 cosmic planes

Everything is created first on the lower Cosmic Mental Plane as a thoughtform. For example, The Most High  thought about a flower and the flower eventually took form in the mental plane, then in the astral plane, and eventually it came into manifestation on the physical plane. He imagined us as a human soul, exactly the way he imagined a flower. But we descended into matter and became entrapped in the mud. And because we needed bodies, these three elementals grabbed us. They said, “If you want us to be your bodies, we want “our” share!” And you said, “Okay, I will use you and you can use me. Let’s be friends.”

Now, I want to ask you to do something. This coming issue of Meditation Monthly International ( MMI,) the October/Nov issue is on friendship. It will be posted on the WMEA website toward the end of the week. It is our anniversary issue. What I want to ask you is, after you read it, to also read a chapter in Challenge for Disicpleship; a book by Torkom Saraydarian which you can find in our in-line bookstore. There is a Chapter in that book titled “How to be your own friend.” There are many secret meanings to it. Learn how to be friends with your elementals. We should not be a slave to them, nor they to us. Because you are a higher divine idea, your purpose is eventually to make your elementals become human beings by initiating them.

With love, Joleen


5 thoughts on “Elementals & How They Affect Our Decisions and Life
  1. Such an impacting lecture! Thank you so much, Joleen.
    Questions keep coming to mind. Here is one: Are families brought together magnetically because of shared elementals?

    • Here is an answer to your question…from the Teachings. First – I suggest you read more about the elements in the Secret Doctrine by HP Blavatsky. I think it is important to try to understand the whole field of action created by elementals before coming to a conclusion that may be harmful to yourself or others.

      But…let me say this much, from what I have studied. A person can exchange their elementals during intercourse, especially if one has some kind of venereal discease and so on. In such a case, the elemental of the other person wants you more than its owner. There will be no fight between your current elemental and the one who comes to you because your elemental is exchanged with the elemental of your partner.

      If you have a happy, healthy physical elemental and you come in contact with a diseased elemental through sexuala contact, your healthy elemental can sometimes reject the other elemental if the immunity is strong. However, if it is not strong, the other elemental will force itself and take over.

      This is obviously a complex study and not much talked about.

    Psyche and Psychism – Volume One – Chapter 17:

    Originally our bodies were masterpieces and we did not have to control the elementals with discipline. They knew their jobs, but because of our ignorance, we misused them. For long ages we planted in them seeds of unwholesome urges, drives, glamours and illusions making them operate on false values in wrong directions. Now our duty is to eliminate these weeds, and let the mechanisms clean and clear themselves, so that they may do their jobs. We must create some kind of friendship with them.` 113

    As a human being takes incarnation, dies and changes his physical body, so these entities change their bodies. Now always do you attract the same elementals to your constitution. If a human soul is really magnetic, progressive and radioactive, he attracts advanced entities. If he is low-level, low level entities come. If he attracts higher level entities, he causes them to pass through initiations and instead of living on lower planes; they start advancing and living on higher planes. Then as the entity begins to advance into higher planes, it becomes more receptive to energies. 117

    For example, if the physical elemental advances, your willpower increases. If the emotional elemental advances, then your love and intuition increases. As the mental entity advances your light increases.

    The human’s soul purpose is to bring these entities together, refine them and make them understand each other.

    The human soul is a ‘solar angel’ for elementals. You are not a solar angel – but you are a solar angel in relation to your physical, emotional and mental elementals.

    • Dear Patti and all,
      Thank you for this follow up about the elementals. There is so much rich material available on this subject, especially in the Secret Doctrine “tome.” It’s a great study for those of us who are striving to live the transformational life and want to delve more deeply into the nature of the human being. What brings so much joy is the fact of how to help our elementals to evolve, take initiations and eventually become a soul. Great, right?

      We are taking precautions for the after effect of the hurricane that just went through Mexico. Placing some sand bags at the base of the garage door on Eastwood and hopefully out at the Izvara property too. Doesn’t really look so bad right now, so hopefully the weather pundits are a little off. I know Phoenix is in a panic due to the flooding from the past couple of weeks.
      Love, Joleen

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