You can be a traveler of the spiritual path from childhood to adulthood, yet still not undergo the process of spiritual change. Change requires transmutation and transformation; it requires from most of us, courage to change.
In the Agni Yoga Series there are several references to the affects that an Agni Yogi experiences as he travels the path of Transformation. A Great One indicates that as a Yogi undergoes the spiritual process of change his or her health will be affected. Reading the pages on Helena Roerich’s fiery experiences from At the Threshold of the New World by Helena Roerich can substantiate this statement.
In the book Agni Yoga, verse 201, it says: “There exists the false impression that a yogi possesses unfailing health in the usual sense. But can one fashion a sensitive instrument out of a log? Does not the value of the strings of the vina [a kind of guitar used in India and Tibet] lie in their response to the finest intervals of tone? Equally resonant is the sensitive apparatus of the yogi. Indeed, to him alone are known the indescribable fleeting pains which, like the tuning of the strings of the vina, transform his being.”
“One can understand that We shall not stress any lack of danger on the path of Yoga. How can one avoid pain during the regeneration of the centers?”
“All the usual nomenclature for these pains is useless, so long as science will not hasten to understand the significance of psychic energy or spirituality. The farther removed is the understanding from the danger of Yoga, the farther is man from unity with the Highest Consciousness. For this, casual flights of consciousness are not valuable. What is needed is the incessant song of soaring. The vina does not always ring out, but its intonation is always harmonious.
“Those who seek Yoga for robust health had better partake of a glass of wine and discuss lofty ideas without applying them to life. For the health of a yogi flutters like the wings of a soaring eagle. The eye of the yogi sees like the eagle eye, which you know. The calm of the yogi is like the tension of an ocean wave.”
Regeneration of the Centers:
As you study the subject of Centers in the Teachings you soon learn about the human constitution and its centers. The centers in the human constitution are called:
-the base of the spine,
-the sacral and spleen centers,
-the solar plexus center,
-the heart and throat centers,
-the ajna center (pituitary gland) and the
-head center (pineal gland)
These centers are found in the etheric body of the human constitution with their corresponding glands found in the physical body. These centers are also found in the astral body and mental body, but of a more refined substance.
The regeneration of the centers requires transmutation and transformation, thereby creating spiritual change.
Regeneration of these Centers requires an exchange of energy and force from the higher ethers into the lower, bringing down the more refined substance of the higher ethers into the more coarse lower physical/etheric planes and centers.
The higher Cosmic Ethers are extremely beautiful and imbued with the fire of Space. Eventually the Agni Yogi will draw these higher energies into his lower nature causing spiritual change.
The first step is transmutation. Transmutation occurs when the energies come from higher substance into your lower centers in the etheric body of the human constitution and begin to transform the nature of those centers. This process of transformation begins to reflect itself truer to the nature of your Divine Archetype, or Monad.
The next major stage of spiritual change is called transfiguration, where the higher Cosmic Ethers replace your lower ethers. The “atoms of your lower ethers then enter into your physical body and are assimilated, making your physical body more ethereal.
When this stage of spiritual change occurs your become:
-Sensitive to light
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-Sensitive to sound
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-Sensitive to Hierarchy and later to Shambhala and so on.
What are the higher ethers? The Intuitional Plane, Atmic Plane, Monadic Plane and Divine Plane. The lower ether is the substance from which our physical body is made.
The four Cosmic Ethers are beyond the consciousness of most people, for they are beyond the mental body; none the less, some people have an awareness of the higher ethers, by our studies and sometimes at certain moment of influence through the help of the Solar Angel, contact with the Master or in advanced stages of meditation.
Transmutation first requires purification of the physical, emotional and lower mental bodies, through the elimination of glamors and illusions. It also requires bringing more of the substance of the 4th Cosmic Ether, or Intuitional substance into the lower ethers, igniting the lower ethers with the higher fire.
When approximately 50 percent of your lower etheric body is changed by way of the substance of the 4th Cosmic Ether, you release yourself from the control of the four centers on the 4th level of the astral plane. When you continue to exchange more of the lower etheric substance with the substance of the Intuitional Plane, you will then release yourself from the control of the four centers of the mental plane, liberating your consciousness, or enabling your consciousness to finally function in the higher mental plane, or enabling you to function in the causal body.
At this stage of spiritual change you are now liberated from the control of the personality vehicles.
It is at the stage of Transfiguration, or the Third Initiation where you can now fully escape the limitations of the lower ethers and function on the higher mental planes.
The etheric body is the vehicle of prana and the prototype of the physical body. The etheric body is a most important protective substance to the human constitution and person, helping to prevent premature contact with the higher fires along the spine and the various planes, although that protective mechanism can be violated with wrong exercises, such a kundalini exercises, prolonged chanting and prolonged or wrong meditation, as well as abuse of drugs and alcohol.
The substance of the higher ethers can replace the substance of the lower ether, safely, only through self-discipline, mind control, purification of the physical, emotional and mental bodies, dedicated and sacrificial service and joy.
Our etheric body is exactly like our physical body. Take a look at your physical body…is there anything in your body that has been used destructively? Wrong thinking? Excessive sex? Unhealthy sexual relations? Rotten thinking, depressions, and so forth? Irritation, imperil?
The etheric body too has its “crystallized patches, distortions and rotten spots.”[1]
All these things must first be repaired and then thrown out so that the higher ethers can increase in your lower bodies and replace the discarded parts.
Joleen DuBois
[1] Torkom Saraydarian, Transformation, p. 106, © 2000
Wow! Thank you for such a clear explanation of the process of change. It inspires as well as motivates striving to progress along this remarkable path. And it helps release any fantasies about the ease or “bliss” of spiritual achievement. The sensitive instrument experiences the pains of the world as part of the expanded consciousness – as well as the beauties.
In gratitude,