[1]The highest manifestation of this Feminine Principle has been called by many names, among them, Mother of the Universe, World Mother, Isis, Ishtar and Sophia. To the Esoteric Christians She is known as the Holy Spirit, one of the Divine Triad, where as in ecclesiastical Christianity the Holy Trinity is regarded as entirely masculine.”

Helena RoerichHelena Roerich and her life portrays such an image. There are others, such as the Mother Mary, Isis, and Maya (the Mother of Buddha), but in this writing, our focus is upon the Mother of Agni Yoga, Helena Roerich.

Agni Yoga teaches that the Mother of Agni Yoga and the Mother of the World are two concepts, which emphasize the Feminine Principle as Divine Motherhood.

How “Helena Roerich, whose ceaseless striving and selfless service through many incarnations brought her to that stage of evolution which made her a living example of what woman many achieve, under Hierarchical Guidance.”[2]

AUM imageIn AUM verse 544 it says: “It is not at all easy to be the Mother of Agni Yoga. Only in the course of time will people appreciate all the selflessness which is indispensable for proclaiming the fiery might.”

Helena Roerich is the Mother of Agni Yoga. Who is an Agni yogi?

“The Agni Yogi unburdens space and absorbs all emanation. [A person] who is a mighty warrior, battling with darkness, and [one who] is that power which the dark pack is endeavoring to destroy.”[3] It is to these sacrificial one’s the symbol and life of the World Mother serves as their protector.

700193_093Helena Roerich wrote in 1935, “How beautiful is the Image of the Mother of the World! So much beauty, self-renunciation and tragedy is in this majestic Image! Aspire in your heart to the Highest, and joy and exultation will enter your soul.” [4]

On the 18th of June, 1935 Helena Roerich wrote: “The Mother of the World is at the head of the Great Hierarchy of Light of our planet…Behind each symbol stands a High Individuality, and each symbol covers a great reality. Each Great Individuality has its deputies, or personifiers, who are nearest to its Ray, and sometimes one of these Great Individualities personally incarnates – hence the concept of the Avatar.”[5]

In another letter the revered Mother answers a question from one of her students who asked her about the “Khatak of the Mother of the World.” She answer that the Khatak is the sacred silk scarf which Mongolians and Tibetans present to all spiritual representatives and all especially revered persons, as a sign of respect.”[6] There is a most beautiful painting by Nicholas Roerich in which the Khatak is displayed with the Mother of the World where she is using the sacred scarf as a bridge to help the seeker to climb toward greater heights.

Portrait_of_HRIn another letter Helena Roerich talks about the Goddess Dukkar. She says, “the great time predicted long ago has come. Do you not feel it in all the tension of cosmic and human explosions? All the crust of the earth is aquiver, and a great change is approaching. This time it is not the comparatively harmless tail of a comet but our own emanations which, by their discord with the approaching higher fiery energies, may evoke – or rather will evoke – an unexpected change. It is good during such perturbations to be on the solid indicated rock, under the Umbrella of Dukkar. Our tasks will all have room under this cover.”[7]

“ ‘ Dukkar’ the many-eyed and many-armed, is a Tibetan Divinity of the Feminine Element. She is an equivalent of the Hindu Kali and Lakshmi, the symbol of the Mother of the World. …”[8]

In 1935 Helena Roerich wrote: “the Star of the Mother of the World is the planet Venus. In 1924 this planet for a short time came unusually near to the Earth. Its rays were poured on Earth, and this created many new powerful and sacred combinations which will yield great results. Many feminine movements were kindled by these powerful rays.”[9]

In conclusion:

“The mother, the life-give, the life-protector – let her become also the Mother, the Leader, the All-Giver, the All-Receiver.”[10]

“Now, let woman – the Mother of the World – say, ‘Let there be Light’…

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With love,

Joleen DuBois


[1] Agni Yoga Society, Mother of the World, foreword page. © Agni Yoga Society, 1956

[2] Agni Yoga Society, Mother of Agni Yoga, foreword page. © Agni Yoga Society, 1956

[3] Ibid

[4] Helena Roerich, Letters of Helena Roerich, Vol. I, p. 372. © 1954 Agni Yoga Society

[5] Ibid., p. 487.

[6] Ibid., p. 266

[7] Vol II, p. 20.

[8] Ibid.

[9] Letters, I, p. 376

[10] Mother of the World Pamphlet, p. 42, © 1956 Agni Yoga Society

[11] Ibid., p. 42

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