Svetoslav Roerich, son of Nicholas and Helena Roerich was born October 23, 1904 and died January 30, 1993. He is perhaps best known for his artwork, paintings that you will find on today’s blog. But today I want to share his writings on the subject of peace. The full article will be presented in the April/May/June Agni Yoga Quarterly
Svetoslav Roerich wrote, “Every one of us longs for the beautiful flowers of friendship, understanding, and affection. If only we permit them to blossom freely, deep within our hearts, our lives would be transformed and enriched through the wondrous, healing balm of understanding and sympathy – the sympathy and compassion that expand to all the spheres and areas of our lives and are the foundations of Universal Love and Universal Order, all-embracing, all-containing, attracting to itself, like a powerful magnet, the best manifestations and expressions of human genius, the true flowers of our hearts and minds.
If we cast a glance around us, we can see that the last sixty years have seen great changes and realignments in human relations. Science has made startling discoveries and made unbelievable progress along ever-multiplying channels of human knowledge, both in research and its application. Nevertheless, in spite of all these brilliant achievements, mankind has been placed face to face with new problems and the necessity to solve them and to discover new approaches to our ever-increasing needs.
Beyond this complex and seething pattern stand those great human values that beckon to us, proclaiming the eternal and indestructible bond of human relations – the binding force of true friendship, understanding, and love.
My father, Professor Nicholas Roerich, always believed that the best way to forge strong and lasting bonds of mutual understanding between nations and people is to do it on the plane of cultural relations – to discover that greatest and richest magnet of human relations, the field of culture.
The vast field of man’s creative expression – art, in its multiform manifestations – was to him the living bridge that brings together and unites human beings. It is the miraculous bond that reveals and forges new approaches, new possibilities, and opens new vistas of true understanding and appreciation. Across this vast field of human endeavor, Nicholas Roerich visualized his realm of mutual friendship and understanding through Culture.
We see now how practical and realistic was his concept of Peace through Culture. More and more people are joining the ranks of those enlightened men and women who believe and know that only an enlightened, all-containing, all-embracing attitude can build lasting peace.
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Recognizing the urgent need for measures to protect our cultural heritage, Professor Roerich evolved the idea of an International Pact for the Protection of Cultural Treasures, monuments, and educational institutions, in times of civil disturbance as well as of war. Like the Rec Cross, it carries with it a distinctive banner and symbol, to be displayed over such monuments and institutions that we designate as protected. This Banner of Peace served to remind mankind that there are certain values and treasures, common and paramount to all humanity, that belong to everyone, regardless of race, creed, or country.
Speaking about the healing touch of culture, my father said, “Culture and Peace, the most sacred goal of humanity. In these days of great confusion, both spiritual and material, the disturbed spirit strives to these radiant strongholds. But we should not unite only abstractly in the name of these regenerating concepts. According to our abilities, each in his own field, we should bring them into actual surrounding life, as the most necessary and undeferrable. We must not fear enthusiasm. Only the ignorant and the spiritually impotent would scoff at this noble feeling. Such scoffing is but evidence of the inspiration of this true legion of honor. Nothing can impede us from dedicating ourselves to the service of culture, so long as we believe in it and give it our most flaming thoughts.
My father, Nicholas Roerich said, “If you should be asked of what country and of what future constitution you dream, you can answer, in full dignity: ‘We visualize the country of Great Culture. The country of Great Culture shall be your noble motto. You shall know that there will be peace in that country where knowledge and beauty are revered.'”
We shall continue forging the happy bonds of friendship, knowing well that this is the most practical, the most effective way to bring people together, to diffuse happiness and welfare, and to build the beautiful, lasting bridge of human relations, mutual trust, and understanding.
I invite you to add your comments to make this article more personal and interesting to those affirmed in peace.
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