Sina Fosdick continues her presentation to the Agni Yoga Society (Agni Yoga Society Headquarters in New York, 1975)
“Mme. Roerich used to say, ‘To be honest with oneself is the greatest difficulty.’ We were led into a new world in which intolerance, selfishness, and ambition had no place. The members of our group, while of different races, nationalities, and natures, were nevertheless united in their aspirations. One goal was supreme – to find one’s Master! We were told that the disciple must knock first and then the Master comes. Did not He himself say: ‘One should treasure every hour of My Work. One must grope and find the doorway to Light.’ (The Call, 396)
“We had the rare privilege of being thus guided for thirty-five years by both Prof. and Mme. Roerich. During those years we founded the Roerich Museum, collecting the great art of Prof. Roerich. The Roerich Pact and Banner of Peace was launched, of which more will be told eventually. [See July/Aug/Sep issue of the Agni Yoga Quarterly,] The Central Asiatic Expedition, begun by our leaders in 1923, was most successfully terminated by them in 1928 and they settled in India. Several unique new ventures and institutions dedicated to art, science and general welfare were brought into life by them. We were in constant, close contact with them, at times through travels together, but mostly through continuous correspondence, working in the many spheres of activities entrusted to us. The Teaching of Agni Yoga was steadily spreading, its books were published in several languages besides English. Numerous Agni Yoga groups sprang up in America, India, and Europe.
“Some day more should and will be written about the life and superhuman achievements of Mme. and Prof. Roerich, their participation in the work of the Great Masters, the Elder Brothers of humanity.
“Space does not allow at this time more than a few paragraphs from the Teaching, which substantiate only a very few aspects of it.”
“A simple declaration of knowledge will eliminate all contradictions. One cannot think without revering knowledge…Point out the fact that knowledge can lay the path to the One Teaching. Is it possible that humanity cannot comprehend that knowledge emanates from the One Source? (Agni Yoga, 90)
“The words of Buddha and the Covenants of Christ destroy ignorance. Observe with attention the growth of knowledge in diverse parts of the world.” (Ibid., 92)
“Contemplating knowledge, gain the realization of the Teacher. Verily reverence to the Teacher is the panacea even for physical ailments.” (Ibid., 94)
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“Thus does the disciple approach the Teacher – open, ready to shrug off the old world tatters, striving toward the new consciousness, eager for knowledge, fearless, truthful, devoted, keenly vigilant, industrious, knowing goal-fitness, sensitive. He has found the path of Trust.” (Ibid., 125)
“He who would swim must dive fearlessly into the water. And he who has decided to master Agni Yoga must transform through it his entire life…Recall how I began with you the attainment of Agni Yoga. Likewise, bring your disciples within the domain of the mastery of the Fiery Yoga…This most unifying Yoga exacts an obligation to construct the entire life in conformity with a discipline externally imperceptible.” (Ibid., 163)
“Happily, those who has entered the path of Agni Yoga do not worry over suspicion. They labor, devoting themselves entirely to the cause of evolution. They walk, without doubt, knowing that satisfaction is not their destiny.” (Ibid., 505)
“When all books are read and the words have been studied then it remains to apply in life that which is realized.” (Ibid., 538)
“Yesterday the seed formed; tomorrow the flower will blossom…One must learn to combine the knowledge of the past with the striving toward the future.” (Ibid., 575)
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