Serenity and the Yogi

Blessed Soul - N.K. Roerich

Agni Yoga, para. 175:

The confirmation of the yogi in his path will be a full participation in the evolution of the worlds. But one particular quality distinguishes the yogi — he knows not death, for the awakened consciousness experiences no interruption of existence. Thus, not for a moment does the yogi interrupt his service to Truth. Gradually does he who attains Yoga ascend upon the ladder of the worlds. Unceasingly do his mission and his service flow. The retention of consciousness in his varied sheaths makes the yogi’s achievement vital to life. Until now, only very rarely, and under special conditions was Yoga achieved, but the present stage of evolution of the spirit demands that Yoga be brought into life. And the thoughts of the young generation must be directed to this end. Neither zealotry nor weakness of faith are needed by Us, but each wholesome transformation of life will be noted and supported.”


Yoga means union. It means the human soul as it is unfolding like a bud of a lotus, is uniting with the fires of his spirit. With each achievement he is becoming more and more integrated, until eventually he unites with the Kingdom of God – the Kingdom of Hierarchy.

The Great Yogi’s have mastered matter in the Cosmic Physical world. Such yogi’s are those who “know not death, for their awakened consciousness experiences no interruption of existence. Thus, not for a moment does the yogi interrupt his service to Truth.”


A Great Yogi, a Master, can live for about three hundred years, thus their service to Truth is not interrupted. Masters are also called the Immortals. We know for example, Jesus is a Master as is Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster, St. Sergius, St. Germain, Master Morya and others. The reason I use the present tense of “is a Master” is because a Master is Immortal. Remember the passage said, he knows not death.

We have stories and legends about the different incarnations of the Masters, whose human souls went through several initiations of integration until it reached and united with the Kingdom of God. Once such souls have achieved Mastery, they then strive to lead humanity into the Kingdom of God. Isn’t this interesting? How is this done?

The Path of Integration is the path which the soul travels, life after life, age after age, to achieve Self-Mastery.

light of universe and heart

It is the Master in our Heart whom inspires us until our consciousness reaches a stage of illumination where we have accumulated enough light to travel on our own. To travel onward without fear of regressing and knows that from this point onward, as a soul, we will unwaveringly persevere toward the Kingdom of the Hierarchy.

Masters have achieved the process of integration. From one stage of consciousness to the next and the next they succeed in uniting with higher and higher spiritual fires until he achieves Self-Mastery. What happens after a Master reaches the age of 300 or so? They will make a new body. It is so interesting isn’t it? Of course Masters are advanced souls.


Until now, only very rarely, and under special conditions was Yoga achieved, but the present stage of evolution of the spirit demands that Yoga be brought into life. And the thoughts of the young generation must be directed to this end. We know that there are prominent men and women, leaders and geniuses who love humanity and work for humanity who are Masters or candidates for mastership but ordinary man because of jealousy and doubt, or other reasons cannot recognize these people.


How can we recognize a candidate for a master, those who are called Initiates? Their method is to work, make efforts, aspire, steadily improve, forge ahead, step on their old self, and strive for new horizons. They are embodiments of beauty. They are always improving their life, for the results of their striving is recognized as the soul integrates with its unfolding potential.

The soul begins as a bud and each stage of opening of that bud introduces various changes; changes recognized by the changes in our day-to-day actions, emotions and thoughts.

The process of unfoldment of the human soul depends on the discipline, purification and integration of the physical, emotional, and mental natures of man.

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This is why we teach especially the younger generation, the importance of living the serene life. To give birth to our soul, to provide an environment where it can awaken to the path of integration and individuality – asks of us all, both young and old, to live the serene life.


There is a lovely little book called The Serene Life. The first point in this booklet reads: “Lo! The heart of Truth, the Central Gospel, the Midword of Life!…The Word of Words and the Doctrine of doctrines, simple as clear air and clear water, deep with the mystery of eternal depths…Whoever you are, it is the thing you have always looked for.

I remember one day a young man, telling me, “Since as early as I can remember I have been looking for something that is missing in me. I have looked for it everywhere. After I married, I thought for awhile that missing part of me was my wife. And where for awhile she fulfilled a part of my life, that missing “something,” I still cannot find. Do you know what it is?”

Whoever you are, it is the thing you have always looked for.

There are many people I believe who can relate to this young man’s story. Some of us have found the answer, others are still searching for it. What is it? We are searching for the Master in our heart; we are longing for that contact. Once the contact is made, our lives change and we begin to strive, as a soul, to liberate ourselves from the personality bodies. We continue our search, but we no longer feel lonesome for that “missing part;” we are no longer wandering lost in the desert, we now have direction.

The book The Serene Life reads:…[W]hoso plants serenity in his soul, finds it not easy nor moving with his impulses to do evil to his fellowmen. As naturally as the sun spreads light, does he share and bestow his joy. [1]

What is serenity? It is the beauty, the substance of the Chalice. In the Chalice is found the treasures of the soul. The treasures of the soul are related to Light, Compassion and Love.tagore

There is a beautiful story written by Rabindranath Tagore about a man in search for God. He wrote that a man left his wife and children to search for God in the mountains. But while he was away, God visited his him and waited for him to return.

To communicate with God means to face and meet your responsibilities. If you are not meeting your responsibilities and you think you are saving your soul, you are really deceiving yourself. There are millions of religious people like this. They say, “Hallelujah” and they think they are saved.

If we want to be beautiful, if we want to evolve as a soul, if we want to achieve the serene life, we must actualize these things, step by step. To become a master and live for 300 years, to ascend upon the ladder of the worlds as it stated in the opening verse, we cannot escape life, we must become somebody Real. Our life must exemplify that we are somebody. We cannot dream that we are already a master, or a high degree initiate and that our soul has reached perfection, our life must exemplify it in reality.


Serenity is found in the heart, not the mind. “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” The philosopher, a learned man has come to base his philosophy on the academic, the toddling infant has found the serene thought in his heart, which he has brought with him into this life from the higher worlds. The philosopher has forgotten.

In the moment when you stand perfectly alone, serene and calm, in that moment the paradox is fulfilled – your disunity disappears, and you are in the One Love with All. It is not necessary to fear love as the ascetics teach, for, if you love high enough, you cannot love too many or too much; but the moment you give yourself to any love as supremely important, or center on it as the source of all your joy, in that moment love becomes your enemy and will surely steal away your peace.

Your comments are always welcome.

With love,


Joleen - 2010 - 01

[1] The Serene Life, author unknown p. 3.

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