There is a great virtue about which so little is spoken or written. This virtue is called punctuality, and it is a sign of internal and outer integrity. It is a sign that the flame of your heart is lit. Those who are punctual:
- Have the power of planning.
- Have control upon circumstances; physical, emotional and mental.
- Have respect toward themselves and others.
- Are free from low psychic influences or mental and emotional interference’s.
- Have willpower.
- Have the awareness that time is valuable.
- Are not controlled by their glamors, illusions or inner pushbutton mechanisms.
You, I, can see that many opportunities are lost because of a lack of punctuality. For example, the train or airplane departs with resulting consequences. Business opportunities are lost. Because of a person’s delay or lateness he/she cause many anxieties to others. He disturbs the magnetic sphere of certain meetings. He fails to play his part, to perform his responsibility. Such a person is an example of weakness.
Punctuality is the evidence of the sense of responsibility or commitment. Unpunctuality is a sign of imbalance, irresponsibility, and a lack of an inner rhythm.
Great magnetism and energy are created in meetings if the members are punctual. It gives them self-respect and respect to others, and forms a unified group aura, which may be used to attract higher inspirations and impressions. Latecomers disturb the tension of the aura, and it takes time and energy to rebuild it. It disturbs the field of attention of the audience and, it takes time and energy to rebuild that focus of attention.
I recall a time I was a speaker in another country; a country whose sense of timing was lax. The meeting was to start promptly at 9 am; where only two people were sitting in their chairs. During the next two hours, 45 more people showed up until all who had registered appeared. During those first two hours I talked about the value of punctuality and the spiritual path! Overnight the word must have spread, for the next day all 45 people arrived 15 minutes early.
Those who have the habit of being late should try to organize their time and affairs in such a way that they build the virtue of punctuality in themselves.
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Punctuality is not only the ability to be present in certain places at an appointed time, but also the ability to think and act in the right time. Punctuality in our promises and spiritual commitments will reveal many new horizons for us. Punctuality eventually will help a person to synchronize himself with the rhythm of Nature.
Punctuality will make higher forces have trust in us. Punctuality will reorganize our life. It will help us to make new breakthroughs.
A lack of punctuality leads to chaos.
Please, if you have some time, share your experiences with how punctuality or the lack of punctuality somehow affected you or those around and about you.
With love,
I have been challenged with punctuality perhaps my whole life. I try to fit “one more thing” in or don’t consider the time it takes to get ready and go and am habitually “running late.” This has caused me much anxiety and the thought “How can I be doing this again?” has run through my mind numerous times. It upsets my aura and I’m sure it effects others in a negative way – getting annoyed, having to wait, feeling my vibe when I arrive. I’ve been practicing thinking “that’s enough” and not doing that “one more thing” so that I can be on time and not rushed. When I am successful it is so relaxing and such a relief. It’s been a very stubborn habit to change but I will continue to work on it.
I love punctuality, I’m not perfect with it but I try hard. A long, long time ago I read a quote by Carl Sandburg, that made so much sense to me. It goes, “Time is the coin in your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.”
This quote has kept me from letting people use my coin, being a “yes” person but also it has always helped me to be punctual because, of course, I also did not want to waste any one else’s coin, by not being punctual. This past year I’ve missed a plane flight and a food committee work because of my being too careless, it was a great, (and horrible reminder) to be alert with the value of time, which affects others as well as myself.