
Dear Friends,

Many of us seem to be surrounded these days with a lot of pain and suffering: the pain and suffering of friends, families, cities and countries, and even ourselves—so much so that it can be overwhelming. How to keep our sanity, our faith and hope? By keeping our consciousness in the stream of the Teaching, especially the Teachings of Agni Yoga. The Teaching helps us build the inner life, starting with meditation and then study, and finally, but not lastly, service.

Madonna_Oriflamma-mmiFrom Agni Yoga, a verse, reads: I speak of alien bridges and gates. On the way, alien bridges are encountered. One must cross them hurriedly, not looking downward, having but one wish—to reach quickly the other side. Also, do not pause before foreign gates, but demand the right of way without disturbing your calmness, because your way is determined. One must with pure thoughts close one’s pores to bad air. But when times are difficult repeat: “Nevertheless, I am going into a Garden of Beauty. I fear not the predestined gates. Why is the shield above me? To safeguard me. If new dams arise I shall cross them, because I do not fear!”[1]

It is important that we do not become mired down in the trials and tribulations of today’s problems, mired down in fear and hopelessness, but to always look forward, realizing that we have the shield of protection of the Master as we forge ahead, no matter what. As the Great One says, “When times are difficult repeat: ‘Nevertheless, I am going into a Garden of Beauty. I fear not the predestined gates.’”

meditation and lakeMeditation is the way into the Garden of Beauty. Meditation is actually very simple. To do it, you simply sit relaxed in your private room, on a riverbank, under a tree, or any place you like, and ponder certain words. Find a short passage from the Teachings or even a scripture which has deep meaning for you, and think about these words for five or ten minutes. This is meditation. When you find yourself falling into the depths of despair and fear, stop yourself, select some words from the Teachings, and for the next five or ten minutes you are going to be totally concentrated on those words. You will find yourself in a completely different space at the end of those ten minutes; a space of hope and restoration.

LotusWhen you meditate, you make a contact with the Almighty Presence in the universe and you receive three charges of energy. The first charge of energy is Light. You charge yourself with more light, and in that light you see your problems and difficulties more clearly and you see better how to deal with them. The second charge of energy is love, where you absorb a tremendous amount of love energy flowing into you and into your inner life. Now you have the shield of light and love. You may have the experience that you are in God. You can absorb His light and love and use it to help your relations with others. The third charge of energy is power. As you spend ten or fifteen minutes meditating on your chosen words, you will have accumulated the energy to shine your beauty, no matter what happens to you. Light, love, and power is now part of your inner life. All day people may beat you down, hurt you, disrespect you, belittle you, and many other different attacks, but meditation gives you the strength and energy to withstand these attacks and stand in your beauty.

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With love,



[1] Leaves of Morya’s Garden, Book II, Illumination, 1925, verse I.VIII.1.


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