Keynote of Capricorn: “Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back .
December 4th MST – 9:54 PM Mountain Standard Time
INTRODUCTION: Saturn takes the stage
Saturn entered Sagittarius on December 23rd and will remain in that sign until June 14, 2015 when it will retrograde back into Scorpio until September 17, 2015 and then moves back into Sagittarius until it leaves on December 19, 2017. If you have mutable signs from 1 degrees up to 5 degrees you will be more strongly affected than other planetary and zodiacal locations through mid-November. After mid-November Saturn begins to move a little more rapidly. The mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sag and Pisces.
In medieval astrology Saturn was known as the “greater malefic.” Saturn’s position in the birth chart was thought to bring ruin and misery. Saturn is considered malefic in Vedic astrology as well, representing the principle of karma that is inescapable and unchangeable. However, things are changing…many people on this planet are waking up and taking charge of their lives; taking responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and actions; and most especially taking responsibility for one another; for the life of his family and group; for the life of the nation and humanity, and for the life of planet earth. When a person wakes up and begins to think consciously, it is then his thinking life and action life changes for the good. He has a growing sense of responsibility, which results in freedom and liberation. He no longer lives as if he is a “victim” of his life or a victim of circumstances. It is at this stage in life that Saturn now takes on a new role in the life of the conscious, “awakened one.” As long as a person is bound to the earth and to the earthly ways of living, he is “earth-bound.” Being “earth-bound” means he is living a mechanical life – the life of an automaton.
In esoteric astrology the Master Tibetan tells us that Saturn, “is the planet of discipleship and of opportunity; it is exceedingly active today, presenting to the world disciple those difficult situations and crisis which will involve free choice, discriminative pioneering, wise response and correct decision, thus bringing about the destruction of that which hinders without the relinquishing of any true values of which humanity may be aware.”[i]
Capricorn channels Rays 1, 3, 7. (Ray I – Monad, Ray III – Soul, Ray VI – Personality)
Exoteric Ruler: Saturn Ray 3
Esoteric Ruler: Saturn Ray 3
Hierarchical Ruler: Venus Ray 5
Ray One: Ray One is the Ray of Politics and is related to will energy and leadership. Will energy works through active intelligence, the Third Ray, and manifests through the Seventh Ray. This is the field that is going to be affected in this time period. The Ray VII (7) will bring about those conditions upon the physical plane matter that will enable the Life aspect to manifest as ordered activity (goal).
Ray Three: Intelligence, Communication, and Philosophy
Ray Five: Science
Ray Seven: Economics and Organization
Saturn – is a sacred planet, and thus will inspire right human relations and goodwill in these three fields. It is also known as the planet of the disciple. Saturn inspires conflict, but the progressing/advancing Capricorn person will react to this energy in different ways.
Venus – (Hierarchical ruler) Venus will inspire prepared disciples and Initiates to approach each situation from a scientific point of view and at a soul level. You must be Soul-infused to be influenced by the rays of Venus while the Sun is moving through the constellation of Capricorn.
ESOTERIC RULER: Ray III (Saturn) (Ray III is the Soul Ray of Capricorn)
Virtues: Vices:
A clear intellect Excessive activity and restlessness
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Ability to see ahead and plan Materialism
Business acumen Self-centeredness
Practical efficiency Deviousness
Discrimination and selectivity Over-absorption in detail
Adaptability over-evaluation of objective things and material success
Being busy
Active scheming
Good intentions that are basically selfish
Spider at the center
Devious and continuous manipulation
Self-importance, from the standpoint of knowing, of efficiency
During the days of Capricorn, we should strive to ponder “on the opportunities Capricorn energies bring to the growth and development of discipleship qualities—the qualities of a mature spirituality. We are asked to think about those advancing members of humanity who are in process of developing deep skills of discrimination, detachment, harmlessness, wisdom, and of a loving will.”[ii] We are asked to acknowledge those who are most consciously bringing qualities of the Divine Self into incarnated expression that represent the peak, the growing point of the evolutionary process. “In some way, in some small measure, we ourselves will be in process of developing these skills—so we can meditate from a framework of what is real, rather than imaginary, ideas and ideals about what a more lighted consciousness might be like.”[iii] [Discipleship themes for the energies of Capricorn have to do with light, illumination, initiation and transfiguration—the mountaintop experiences.
Happy New Year to all of you. May this New Year bring you blessings beyond your imagination and love that will heal your mind, heart and body.
Joleen DuBois
[i] A.A.Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, 148 © 1951, 1979 Lucis Trust
[ii] From the World Service Group ( group meditation.
[iii] Ibid.