There is a phenomena in Agni Yoga called “divisibility of spirit.” It means an advanced soul can be “anywhere and everywhere” at the same time. Sometimes people, perhaps yourself, have witnessed the presence of a “spirit” in various locations.
To have such an ability, a person who can perform divisibility of spirit is highly developed and able to contact simultaneously various people in various locations; physically or subjectively. For example, on Master’s day, March 24th, we can imagine that the great Master Morya, or Master K.H. can contact, or is able to be seen, in various groups at the same time. They can also be in different planes serving and teaching on different levels to meet various needs of the people. Now, if you have your astral body built, the Masters or even Their senior initiates can communicate with you in your astral body. If you have built your mental body or Buddhic Body, They can communicate with you and teach you at that level. Isn’t this beautiful? But you must strive to truly construct these bodies. In the book Symphony of the Zodiac we are told that only 30 percent of humanity has built the astral body and only 10 percent uses it correctly. Only 15 % of humanity has built and uses the mental body. Only one in a billion has the intuitional body built. We must change these statistics.
This is why we need to undergo the Process of Change, which is the process of living a transformational life. Why? Many of us are on the path of Self-mastery and don’t want to remain anchored to the earth and enslaved in matter. We want to undergo the transformational process so we can consciously be in communication with the supermundane and engage in service through the Plan of Hierarchy.
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The path of discipleship is an ascent to the mountain top…we can’t get to the mountain top in our dense physical body…why? It is chained to our irritations, our anger, hatred and desires, our money, cars, houses and relationships. These things keep us so distracted….in so much darkness…that like a vampire, these things drain our psychic energy and we cannot ascend to the mountain top.
My question for discussion is: What are you, what are we, doing to advance our consciousness? To bring about a change in our day-to-day life; thinking; relationships; and this and that?
I was thinking this morning that the most difficult thing about change is the inability to see what others can see so clearly, that it is our own blindness that prevents progressive movement. As disciples we may believe that we are doing the right thing, yet what we do elicits reactions from our environment. So how to make a breakthrough seems to me to be the most challenging thing of all.