When you come in contact with the radiation emanating from an object that was created by, or worn by an enlightened being, you are coming in contact with higher atoms; atoms which possess virtue, wisdom and truth. For example, when I was given a pendant that was designed and worn by Helena Roerich…I came in contact with higher atoms, atoms that possessed virtue, wisdom and truth. When our fire unites with the radiation of the fire in higher atoms, it initiates a transformation. It is being in the radiation of higher atoms we find ourselves protected from darkness.
Transformation elevates our beingness especially if we are able to sustain the radiation of the transforming energies. The result is recognized through a gradual change in our level of Self-confidence, in the way we walk, the tone of our voice and other behaviors that affect our beingness. Why is that? Our light is increasing.
When we come in contact with the spiritual fires of a higher realm, the light released from that realm enters into our aura where it begins to transform the substance of the centers in the fourth, third, second and first levels of the etheric body. This action produces a spiritual tension, creating a burning ground through which our consciousness and beingness slowly undergoes a transformation.Agni Yoga is the path of transformation, and thus I included the symbol of the fires of Agni Yoga at the beginning of this post.
I’ve mentioned, as a result of my studies in the Teaching, that light is the result of the radioactivity of fire within the atom; within any life form.
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If we place ourselves in an environment which is ugly, of a low vibration where there is no light, then there will be no growth, only darkness. Such an environment will eventually destroy the radiation of our atomic nature, placing us in depression and illness, and eventual decay. It is for this reason we must carefully and consciously choose to live in a healthy physical, emotional, and mental environment.
Yet, some people may say or think, isn’t this kind of choice separative? Elitist? Absolutely not. You only need to be in an environment of darkness for a short period of time to experience what it is like. Some people are trained to be warriors of light; trained to carry a torch into the darkness; to engage in a battle with darkness. (Warrior I am and from the battle I emerge triumphant.) But until one is ready to engage in such a battle, it is better to choose an environment that is permeated with light, love and beauty.
I think we are living in times where darkness is all around us. We must be cautious, discerning and vigilant to that fact and not invite darkness into our lives. But if we find ourselves in such an environment, then a remedy can be found through meditation, and realizing that you cannot save everyone, then make certain that you surround yourself with a loving circle of friends.
Love, Joleen