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If you have been following along with my Sunday Talks on the subject of consciousness since June 5th, you will have most likely reached a conclusion that it is important to remove the barriers; barriers that are preventing your consciousness from expanding.

When I’ve had the good fortune of experiencing the inner planes, some of those experiences have taught me something about karma, which is that we are not punished for our iniquities, but by them.


Helena P. Blavatsky says that there is something corrective in our own consciousness. And that, as a result, we instinctively want a second chance to do it right. Depending on your barriers though, it is likely that you will do it again, only worse, because the habits are there; but if you are in the process of awakening, then just the opposite will happen; you will  catch yourself and say, “No, I’m not going to do it.”

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There is a book by P.D. Ospensky[1] One day in the life of Tolkien where he writes about a person that is very poor and how it affected his relationship with a rich girl. “If you love me, you will visit me when we visit the black sea,” she said.  But he was unable to say, “I don’t have the money to visit you.” He couldn’t say it; he got choked up.  It’s not that we are predestined to have certain experiences….it is our consciousness. We have to change ourselves before our future will change. It takes a huge effort to change oneself.

Everything is about striving to perfect yourself.  How many lifetimes will we live before we wake up and finally begin to break down the barriers that keep our consciousness from expanding; that keep us from living the true purpose of our Life?

The purpose of karma is not about punishment it is about perfection. It is about giving oneself a chance to be changed; an opportunity to live one’s life as an awakened consciousness, an awakened soul instead of as a sleeping personality.

meditation and lakeIn general, we know that our maya, glamors and illusions are major barriers toward soul expansion; toward consciousness expansion. If you want to learn more about the specifics of these three barriers: maya, glamor and illusion, I suggest you read Glamor a World Problem by A.A. Bailey. Or, if you are interested, send me an email and I can send you some information. You can write to:

Here are some basic barriers:

  1. Blind urges and drives. Blind urges and drives do not let your consciousness expand. What does this mean? Suddenly you want to drink. Suddenly you want to verbally attack someone because he is not in agreement with your opinions.
  2. Habits. Habits are barriers that prevent your consciousness from expanding because habits are crystallization’s on certain levels of consciousness. When your consciousness is petrified, you develop habits.
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  4. Hate, anger, fear, jealousy, malice, revenge and slander are barriers that prevent your consciousness from expanding. If you fall into these traps, you never have a chance to expand your consciousness; and surpass or transcend yourself.

Universe-skyWhen you have experiences in which you transcend yourself; when you surpass yourself…it is the greatest joy. For example, you take the State Bar exam, and if you pass this exam, you will become an attorney. But let’s say that you failed. What would you do? Do you give up and say you are a failure? Or do you study and study and study, take that same bar exam and pass it the next time. Have you had such an experience? “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again.”

I remember when I was home for the holidays, while attending the University of Iowa. My parents and brother were all very upset for he had been notified that he failed his practical exam in pre-dentistry; a failure which would prevent him from acceptance and entering dental school. He was ready to give up, but my parents enrolled him in a summer school to give him confidence; a course which helped him prepare himself to take the test a second time.  In the Fall semester, he returned to the university and was allowed to take the test a second time; this time he passed; he was accepted into dental school and upon graduation practiced dentistry for the whole of his professional life. I’ve always remembered that moment and how mom and dad helped him through it. It taught me a great lesson. Do you see; a barrier was removed.

William Edward Hickson (January 7, 1803 – March 22) was credited with popularizing this proverb[2]. He wrote::

‘Tis a lesson you should heed:

Try, try, try again.

If at first you don’t succeed,

Try, try, try again.[2]

Mr. Hickson was a British educational writer. He was the editor of The Westminster Review in the mid-1800’s. But this proverb can also be traced back to the writings of Thomas H. Palmer in his Teacher’s Manual.

illuminated pathWe can find such pearls or signs on the road of life, throughout our life, about how to expand our consciousness. We need to pay attention if we truly want to evaporate our many life times of barriers allowing us to experience more freedoms, realize greater soul-potentials, and have communication with the higher worlds; the future.

As a reminder, you are always welcome and indeed, invited to share your opinions, experiences, or insights regarding each blog posting.

With love,


Joleen - 2010 - 01

[1] “When one realizes one is asleep, at that moment one is already half-awake.” ― P.D. Ouspensky

[2] A proverb is a simple and concrete statement popularly known and repeated,

Second Full Moon of Gemini-Sagittarius

Gemini image 2016

Solar Festival of Gemini~Sagittarius

Gemini Keynote for Gemini Disciples: “I recognize my other Self and in the waning of the self, I grow and glow.”

Keynote for the ordinary Gemini: “Let instability do its work.”

EXACT TIME: Monday, June 20, at 4:03 AM MST (for more information sign up for the WMEA monthly zodiac newsletter at:

Gemini - Second Gemini Solar Festival

Gemini is one of the constellations of the zodiac. It was one of the forty-eight constellations described by the second century AD astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains one of the eighty-eight modern constellations today. Its name is Latin for “twins,” and it is associated with the twins Castor and Pollux in Greek mythology. Its symbol is .

When we have two full moons of the same sign, we double the energy and extend the field of impact. The first full moon challenges our personality qualities; the second full moon challenges our soul qualities. The period in between can be a tremendously rich period of growth, expansion, healing, and turning our life around to become more purposeful and soul directed. The energies, then, of this full moon can have a wide-reaching affect upon the souls of humanity.

What are our soul qualities? The answer can be found in the soul’s keynote:I recognize my other Self and in the waning of the self, I grow and glow.” We can all take this keynote into our meditations, especially during the seven days of this full moon period (three days prior to the full moon, the day of contact, and the three days following the day of contact) using the keynote as a seed thought for self-discovery, healing, and expansion of consciousness.

As of May and June of this year, 2016, we will have experienced two consecutive Gemini full moons (Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius). The Full Moon of May took place in the sign of Gemini at 1 degree 13 minutes on the 21st, and this month, June, it remains in the constellation of Gemini at 29 degrees 32 minutes on the 20th.

constellation wheelAs the Zodiacal cycle of the Sun moves into the sign and constellation of Gemini, there is a natural energy burst available for everyone to make inner changes, especially during the days of the Full Moon, placing a focus on the nature of the heart. Those on the path of conscious evolution will take advantage of this period and, using the time to appraise their life, will make changes and review the nature of their heart, and move upward to the next turn of the spiral.

With Saturn in retrograde, time now seems to have slowed down a bit so we can actually observe, recognize, and experience those situations taking place in our life without letting them pass by unrecognized. Saturn slows things down and oftentimes influences delays.

Gemini ConstellationGemini is predominantly the sign of the intellect and it has a peculiarly vital effect at present. At this time in history the mind faculty and the intellect have been steadily developed. Gemini, therefore, has influence in three departments, which concern themselves with human relations. First, it governs all education. It deals with knowledge, with the sciences, and lays the foundation for wisdom. One educator has said, “The ultimate purpose of education is the acquiring of knowledge in order to receive the higher revelation. The unintelligent may receive it, but they cannot interpret it.”

Mercury in the outer world signifies schools, colleges, and all places where teaching and learning go on, scientific and literary institutions … In consciousness, it signifies thought, understanding, reason, intelligence, intellect; the abstract kinds rather than the concrete, knowledge for its own sake … Its highest application seems to be what is called ‘pure reason.’ In body, it governs the brain and nervous system, the tongue and organs of speech, the hands as instruments of intelligence.”[1]

Venus is the esoteric ruler of Gemini and governs the second decanate [10–20 degrees of the sign]; for Venus makes at-one, and through its influence the law of attraction and the bringing together of the polar opposites takes place. But all these changes and unifications naturally inaugurate a new state of awareness, a new state of being, and bring in a new age and a new world. Consequently, new difficulties and problems arise and we find Saturn governing the last decanate [20–30 degrees], for Saturn is the planet of discipleship; the planet that brings about the difficulties, problems and tests that offer to the disciple immediate opportunity. It is Saturn that opens the door into incarnation, and Saturn that opens the door on to the path of initiation. Mercury, the interpreter, and the illuminating intellect; Venus, the principle of attraction and of at-one-ment; and Saturn, the generator of opportunity: these three play their parts in the life of the aspirant as he unifies higher and lower, passes through the five stages in this test, and visions the goal which ultimately he must achieve.



During the days of this upcoming Gemini-Sagittarius Full Moon, try to spend some quality time concentrating on the nature of the heart—your heart and the heart of Cosmos. You can take advantage of this period by using the time to appraise your life, make changes, review the nature of your heart and move upward to the next turn of the spiral of life.

A great sage says, “Verily, anyone who wishes to cognize the heart cannot approach it as only a part of the organism. First of all, one should recognize the centrifugal aspect of the heart and study outward from it, not inward toward it.” He also says, “The solar plexus is the antechamber of the temple of the heart. The Kundalini is the laboratory of the heart. The brain and all the centers are the estates of the heart, because nothing can exist without the heart…. [T]he heart stands as the temple of humanity.” (Heart, 339)

What does the Great One mean when he says we should recognize the centrifugal aspect of the heart and study outward from it? Centrifugal means moving outward from a center point.

Heart - flame 02I believe he is telling us we should first try to discover the central flame of the heart; it is this flame, when adequately ignited, that will put us in contact and rhythm with the Cosmic Heart. The Cosmic Heart is the centrifugal aspect of the heart. The Cosmic Heart nourishes each atom, each cell, and each living form on all planes. The Cosmic Heart along with the flame within our own heart will communicate through magnetic attraction, exchanging harmonious energies, vision, and inspiration. This action results in increasing health, vision, and creativity.

This nourishing action creates a path for us to travel, a path called the Path of the Spirit, the spiritual Path. We are traveling to the center of the Cosmic Heart. The Heart transmits from Its center: Love, Beauty, Power, Goodness, and Truth. These transmissions nourish the fire, the flame, within our heart with the radiance of the Cosmic Heart.

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When we talk about people who have strong hearts, we are talking about people whose heart centers are vital and nourished by the Cosmic Heart. But, when enemies daily attack our heart, enemies such as revenge, anger, slander, hatred, dishonesty, jealousy, and greed, we are cutting ourselves off from the radiation of the One Life, the Cosmic Heart. What does this mean to us? This means we are cut from the Teachings of the Great Ones, from the Beauty of Christ, Buddha, and other Messengers of the Heart. We reject Their Teachings by becoming hypocrites. Or we mask ourselves in the words of their Teachings, but find that our actions go against all that they gave to us.


Ashram-by Nicholas Roerich

The Great Ones need strong hearts within the Ashramic communities to carry Their message into humanity, to heal the heart of humanity—to heal the heart of the family, the group, the nation and the world. Those who have strong hearts are those whose heart center is open. When the heart center in the head is awake, for example, then we can transmit the life electricity of the Great Cosmic Heart.

How can you recognize people who have strong hearts? They are unifiers, plain and simple. They are the protectors of the family, the group, the nation, and of humanity. They are refined, tender, loving, and compassionate. And, most especially, they practice harmlessness.

We are told by a Great One that the “solar plexus” is the antechamber of the heart. What is the relationship of the solar plexus to the heart? The solar plexus is the “lower heart.” The lower heart is related to all negative emotions. The lower heart must be purified by the higher heart. During these powerful days of Gemini, use the energies of the Solar Festival to purify the nature of the lower heart. The higher heart is the Chalice, the contact point of the Cosmic Heart and the source of all virtues! When you fuse the lower heart with the higher heart you will turn into a source of tenderness, harmlessness and sensitivity.

Despite all the nurturing resources the heart has access to, nonetheless there are some people in the world who fall into the category of “heartless.” Heartless people are repelled by the Teaching.

What happens with heartless people? Their heart centers dry up, the petals of the heart become petrified and their heart becomes like a rock. Their actions of thought, mind, and deed work against unity and love. You must stay away from heartless people, for in time, their nature can poison your heart.

Remember, the qualities of the heart are: sensitivity, gracefulness, and tenderness as well as harmlessness, gratitude, compassion, and gratitude.

We are told that if the power of God is within you, the flame of your heart will be red or red-orange. You can see this flame in the eyes, literally, when the flame of the heart is present. Without the flame, obsession and possession start in the person’s nature, friendships end, and prosperity can vanish.

full moon pic with beautiful flowers

During the days of the Full Moon of Gemini, we should especially try to make things right between our lower self and Higher Self. Then we can begin to work on our damaged relationships; relationships between ourselves and family members, ourselves and our friends, ourselves and our coworkers.

To build right human relations does not mean to think of ourselves first. People do not have to learn how to put themselves first, but rather how to put others first. By honoring and respecting the divinity in another, you are building a bridge between your own divinity and that in the other. This is right human relations. This is Love-Wisdom. This is drawing upon the Light, Love, and Power of the Christ.

When your heart is full of love and your head is full of wisdom, nothing then is ever done that can cause harm to others in the long run. If you are wise and loving, you can do anything and the effects will be harmless and good.

If your natal Sun is in Gemini, or you have several planets in Gemini, Moon or Rising Sign is in Gemini, please share your thoughts with us about this full moon. But, please know that all helpful and insightful comments are welcome!


With love,




[1] Alan Leo, Complete Dictionary of Astrology, 163.