Seven Ray Keynotes
The keynotes of the 7 Rays are, therefore, as they constitute the revelation of seven Great Beings:[1]
Initiation…Unification…Evolution…Harmonization…Action…Causation…and Expression.
These are the keynotes for humanity at its present point of evolutionary development. As these 7 energies play upon the human consciousness in an effort to produce the Will aspect in advanced man, they produce: Initiation…Vision…Education…Intuition…Liberation…Idealism…Organization.
These energies produce certain tendencies in humanity, and lead to certain unavoidable events as well as to definite forms of Being. There are certain fundamental ideas which must be borne in mind:
- We are dealing with the effect of the7 ray energies as they pour forth from one or other of the 7 stars of the Great Bear into our solar system. These energies are the life-quality of the 7 Great Beings Who are the prototypes of the planetary Logoi of the sacred planets, seven in number. These latter are Their reflections in time and space, as the soul is the reflector of the Monad where human beings are concerned.
- Each of the 7 rays express themselves through three of the zodiacal constellations. The analogy (but not the correspondence) is that these three constellations are to the life of one of these ray Beings what the three aspects of monad-soul-body are to a man. Again, it is only an analogy. Analogy and correspondence are not the same. In the first case there is resemblance but not in detail. In the second, there is practically identical expression, usually on a lower level.
- The constellations in groups of three transmit the seven influences of the 7 rays to our planet via the Sun. The following relationships are only those in connection with our Earth. The flow of energy is dependent upon the nature of the etheric web through which all transmission of energies take place.
- The nature of the will is as yet undefinable for only the Monad responds to its impact, and only after the third initiation. [Some students believe that the first true Initiation is the third, followed by the fourth then the fifth. It may be here, that the Tibetan is referencing the fifth initiation. What do you think?] All that is possible to understand is the effect of the will as it makes its presence felt and the result of its expression, emphasized through the three constellations.
- The constellations in groups of three transmit the seven influences of the 7 rays to our planet via the Sun. The following relationships are only those in connection with our Earth. The flow of energy is dependent upon the nature of the etheric web through which all transmission of energies take place.
- This diamond shaped formation of the inter-related energies is the prototypal pattern which lies behind the etheric network and is its final, conditioning influence as far as our Earth is concerned. [The etheric web surrounding the earth is made up of these squares. The Hierarchy urged disciples to form a group of three members and to visualize the energy transmitted to each other. The purpose was to create two triangles out of the etheric web square. Eventually when the web squares diminish our planetary Logos may take a greater initiation. At this time our planetary system is a non-sacred planet.]
- These seven ray energies express the divine prototypal WILL in 7 forms as follows:
Ray I…The will to initiate
Ray II…The will to unify
Ray III…The will to evolve
Ray IV…The will to harmonize or relate
Ray V…The will to act
Ray VI…The will to cause
Ray VII…The will to express.
When their full creative work is completed, there will emerge the seed of the next solar system. This third solar system will express the divine will.
- These 7 ray aspects of the will, flowers in the Monad when souls have reached perfected expression through humanity.
- Just as desire has produced our solar system the “son of necessity,” there lies behind all the energies of the Heart of God and all the forces which have produced the manifested universe that which is the result of Divine Need. It is that synthetic something which produces cohesion and results in synthesis as the effect or final result of manifestation.
[1] The Keynotes of the Seven Rays & the Will Aspect. Esoteric Astrology, Seventh Edition, by A.A.Bailey. Pages 602-607: