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White Mountain Education Association, Inc.

Copyright and Permissions

All books, journals, other publications, and materials published and disseminated in print, audiovisual, and electronic formats by the White Mountain Education Association, Inc., (WMEA) are protected by copyright.

Articles, in full or in part, online or in print, that appear in our published journal, Agni Yoga Quarterly or on our website ( may not be reprinted without obtaining written permission from the WMEA or author of the work. Once permission is received from us or the author, you will need to contact the WMEA to let us know where and when the article, in full or in part, will be reprinted. Agni Yoga Quarterly articles cannot be reprinted before at least two months have elapsed after the date of initial publication.


The WMEA supports the fair use of copyrighted materials for nonprofit educational purposes. Fair use takes into account: “1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether the use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; 2) the nature of the copyrighted work; 3) effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work; and 4) amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole.” (

For Agni Yoga Quarterly, the following permission/credit notice must appear on each page where our material is reprinted:

Reproduced in accordance with Fair Use provisions and thereby with the permission of the White Mountain Education Association, Inc., from (title, author, periodical, issue, and lines/pages), copyright (year).

For White Mountain Education Association, Inc., books, the following permission/credit notice must appear on each page where our material is reprinted:

Reproduced in accordance with Fair Use provisions and thereby with the permission of the White Mountain Education Association, Inc., from (title) by (author); copyright (year).


Written permission for commercial use of WMEA materials will be required if you would like to:

  • Edit or adapt our material
  • Reprint an article or portion thereof from Agni Yoga Quarterly
  • Reprint a chapter or portion thereof from a WMEA published book

All requests should be submitted to the Rights and Permissions Office in writing or by submitting this form electronically to