Agni Yoga: Freedom and Divisibility of Spirit
Divisibility of spirit is a subject of interest to many who travel the path of Agni Yoga, and has certainly been of interest to me for many years. Let me begin by sharing some points from the Teaching of Agni Yoga on this subject, followed by my own insights.
Fiery World I 375. The seed of the spirit and the divisibility of spirit provide the explanation regarding the monad. The seed of the spirit is indispensable to life. The divisibility of spirit makes possible both the enrichment and the dissipation of the monad. [1]
Agni Yoga 346. I already told you about the divisibility of spirit. There is no need to be astonished if a developed spirit generously manifests itself, even at far distances, where it is attracted by the spiritual quality of those present. One should not think that the effects of such projection of the spirit are always invisible. [2]
Letters I, 27, January 1933. You should read in the Teaching about the divisibility of spirit. Like everything else it has its various degrees; but sometimes in its crowning development it becomes of cosmic scale, and then its applications are really of many kinds. Not always is it possible to impress upon the physical brain everything in detail, as in the polluted earthly atmosphere the heart could not stand it. Nevertheless, the essence of events is felt acutely. For instance, practically always N.K. and I know the acute moments in the lives of our co-workers. Sometimes it is a concrete knowledge; at other times it is certain painful impressions precisely corresponding in dates with certain events. Often we know the results quite far in advance. Just as often, we feel as if our psychic energy is departing. Sometimes it is so strong that we even feel dizziness and a transient absence. Then we know for sure that our energy was needed elsewhere. Manifold are the manifestations of divisibility of spirit![3]
Letters II, 14 May 1937 Certainly the mastery of divisibility of spirit can be achieved only when psychic energy is considerably developed.
Where there is no correct exchange of psychic energy, there is also no divisibility of spirit. When the fire is inactive or is about to leave an unsuitable receptacle, then, of course, divisibility of spirit is unattainable. [4]
Letters II, 23, April 1938 Where there is a high degree of spirituality, the divisibility of spirit is so great that the detached particles of psychic energy work unceasingly in full harmony with like particles of energy sent by kindred souls. In fact, the purified energy will participate in the most urgent tasks for the benefit of all humanity. [5]

First, let us consider the term spirit. Can the spirit be divided? No. So then how do we understand the term divisibility of spirit? To me, it means that the spirit can be everywhere. It is beyond time and space, which means it can be everywhere. Truly, doesn’t this further our dreams of freedom? Freedom of our spirit? No longer confined to the physical, emotional, mental bodies? No longer confined inside the confines of the ring-pass-not?
Yet, divisibility of spirit doesn’t just happen. Helena Roerich, the teacher of Agni Yoga writes to one of her students, “Certainly the mastery of divisibility of spirit can be achieved only when psychic energy is considerably developed.” She is quite clear in letting her students know that in order to experience the freedom of one’s spirit, their psychic energy must be considerably developed.
Psychic energy is developed when we undergo the transformational process of purification, of eliminating obstacles which prevent the development of psychic energy, such as ego, vanity, selfishness, self-centeredness, half-wayness, dishonesty, bad habits and more, replacing such abhorrent behaviors with virtue and nobility. Such behaviors create psychic pollution.

Psychic energy and psychic fire are active in the inner world as the Agni Yogi begins to unfold and develop their psychic energy. This energy, this fire is used to increase the fire of each of their centers, purifying
their channels of energy circulation and burning away etheric webs with hinder the circulation of energy. As the psychic energy develops, the fire of psychic energy will be pulled up to the centers of higher planes and used when the Yogi contacts Higher Worlds.

Here is a glimpse of the freedom the spirit of divisibility brings to us, for well developed psychic energy is not limited to any one area. For example, someone calls you, and asks that you pray for their wellbeing, pray for their balance and equilibrium, pray for a much needed healing. You do not need to travel to that person who may be living in Mongolia. You can tune to the need of that person from where you are and create a network of psychic energy; a network through which the psychic energy circulates.
A spirit can be immature and inexperienced, but a spirit can also be an advanced soul. When the spirit is an advanced soul, that is when you can experience divisibility of spirit. That is when you can be anywhere and everywhere. It is so beautiful. It means there can be intuitive contact. Sometimes we read about a mother and her child having a symbiotic relationship. Where the mother, who may be thousands of miles away from her child, physically, yet knows when her child needs her. But divisibility of spirit is more than that.

In the Teaching we are told to strive. To strive means to progress beyond where our consciousness is today, to strive toward the future, to develop our hidden potentials, our inherent talents, talents unique to our soul.
As we strive, as the Agni Yoga student strives, as they progress, they are developing their individuality and becoming highly developed. As their fire, as their psychic energy develops, they can come in contact with various people at the same time. For example, the Yogi can be teaching a group of people in his or her sanctuary, but at the same time, they are registering contact with various people in various locations. We know that a Master can do these things. Can we do the same? It seems so, according to the Teaching. For example, Helena Roerich wrote: For instance, practically always N.K.[6] and I know the acute moments in the lives of our co-workers. (see footnote #3.)

We read that it is even possible to appear in many locations with different images. How can such a phenomenon take place? Only when our soul has developed certain abilities. And these abilities can be achieved only when psychic energy is considerably developed.
The Master has such advanced abilities such as:
- The Teacher sees in a mirror a picture of all your movements.[7]
- A mirror of cosmic fires is contained within an Agni Yogi; therefore, the rays thus create and intensify.[8]
- The Individuality can project him or herself to many parts and be where they want to be.
- The individuality can impress space with their images, drawing the needs of others to themselves and evoke help.
- The individuality can exist on various planes and beyond the Milky Way into the other worlds.

[1] © 1943, 1969 by Agni Yoga Society. Updated August 2019.
[2] ©1928, 1997 by Agni Yoga Society. Reprinted November 2016.
[3] ©1954 by Agni Yoga Society. Updated July 2020.
[4] ©1967 by Agni Yoga Society. Reprinted November 2016
[5] ©1967 by Agni Yoga Society. Reprinted November 2016
[6] Nicholas Roerich, the husband of Helena Roerich.
[7] Leaves of Morya’s Garden I, 431.
[8] Infinity I, 343