It is not easy to leave the Supermundane, the Towers of the Great Ones, the Beauty, the magnificence, the freedom there to return to earth, to reincarnate in service. In the Supermundane, there is no betrayal. No darkness. Hard work – yes; constant striving – yes; constant labor – yes, but no deception. No darkness.
But there are cycles of our soul where we must return to the world, to humanity, and leave behind Their Towers. M.M. says, “Those who are unprepared will regret giving up what must be left behind, and others will bemoan the need to leave the vicinity of Our Towers. They forget that spiritual contact is indestructible, and that distance has no meaning.”[1]

There are individual souls, awakened, and enlightened souls who come back into incarnation with a deep and strong desire to serve others. And where they mourn leaving the Towers, in time, their consciousness will reconnect with the Towers once they adapt to the density of incarnating on planet earth. They are ready to sacrifice a personal life to give to those who are in need; and most especially to those who are ready to evolve, to release the light of their own soul, and in time connect with the Towers themselves. We need such Messengers, such servers, those who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the purpose of life.
Always, but always these messengers, whether Messenger, or messenger, they return to humanity to make humanity aware of the great Teachers. The messengers share in sometimes hidden ways, sometimes public ways, sometimes by written parables, or by merely by living a simple life that reflects the Teachings. A life lived that becomes a pathway that leads all of us, well, those of us who are ready, to the Supermundane and the Towers. Not everyone is ready, but those who are will find that lighted and safe pathway to the Supermundane and start their journey; sometimes with the messenger, sometimes alone; although never really alone.

If you read the books of Agni Yoga, you are going to read how Master M. speaks about the Great Ones, great Masters, great Saviors, great Leaders in the world.

We learn about towers by reading Agni Yoga, by concentrating and paying attention to what this Great One says. He speaks about the Towers, where the Towers are. Each of us can be a tower if we have humility. Yes, humility. But to be a tower and share the Teaching with the world, we must be able to digest Their great messages, able to accumulate, to synthesize, to organize and give it out to humanity. That is the work of the Towers there and the towers here.
Hierarchy hears the voices of our suffering and pain and hastens to give help, courage and daring, through inspiration, through the earthly messengers and teachers and through specific refined dreams. Their help illuminates our minds when we are in agony when we are having problems. Their help, their inspiration, is especially heard, recorded, and unconditionally accepted by those whose hearts are empty of ego and vanity and filled with humility.

I remember several years ago a messenger who contacted me, ready to help me prepare for a trip to India. My goal was to travel to some of the locations written about by Nicholas Roerich in several of his books. I barely knew this person and was totally grateful to her for the time she so generously gave to me about navigating and surviving travels in that country. She taught me certain things I could and could not do as a woman in the Indian culture. She told me about Helena Roerich’s stupa and its location. She asked me to give money to a monastery nearby to care for the stupa while providing me with Indian currency. After a few weeks of exchanging emails, she said something to me that I will never forget: “We are watching you.” She was a messenger of the Great Ones.

We are not alone, not really. When I was trekking through India, carrying a necklace once worn by Helena Roerich, I knew I was not alone. She was somehow there, with me. And in this experience, she became a Guiding Hand that drew the right people to me at the right time to help me travel those very same roads traveled by Nicholas and Helena Roerich. Some people, if they have difficulties and problems and fears, the first thing they do is to search for outside help. But not those who remember, somehow remember Their Towers. Such beautiful ones carry a Light with them that will never put them in darkness, not really.
But we must be ready. Our hearts must be free of revenge, jealousy, malice, and envy. We must walk in the aura of Beauty, Truth, Freedom, and sense of Future. We must have, either in this incarnation or hundreds of incarnations ago, made a commitment to serve the Great Ones and the Plan for humanity, to return not for pleasure but for labor. We always return with vision and a desire to uplift those who are ready.
The Teaching of Hierarchy, of the Masters, is not to give us anything. Their Teaching is to make us something, to be somebody, to be our true Self. If you understand this, you will understand the real Teaching. You will not be somebody who is false, who is superficial, who is built by ego, vanity, or, in other words, a false sense of beingness, but you will be Real.
When speaking about the Supermundane World M.M. gives a Supermundane vision which says, that as we are living here and developing our consciousness and evolving from the mineral kingdom to the human kingdom and to the higher kingdoms, the same evolution in different spirals and different substances is going on in all worlds that the Greatest of All made.
When my friend, who passed several years ago, told me “We are watching you,” my entire consciousness expanded and reminded me of Their Towers.
Through my faith and love of Agni Yoga, I have a strong knowingness in my heart about immortality. I see immortality all around me when I carry the Love, Beauty, Truth, and Freedom of the Great Ones in my every thought. And know, I am, you are, never alone. The Supermundane World is within us.
With love,

[1] Supermundane I, para 141.