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The WMEA Community Church

Prisoner Program

The White Mountain Education Association, Inc., a Community Church, is a not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to the encouragement of individual spiritual growth; and in humility and love, we respect the Divinity within and seek to unfold that Consciousness in all its Beauty. We offer the spiritual seeker the opportunity to explore the Ageless Wisdom Teachings—a collection of spiritual laws, rules, and revelations that help people live a healthy, happy, prosperous, and creative life.

The WMEA Prisoner Program has been in existence since 2003. We offer two meditation courses for those who are incarcerated: “The Living Ethics Course” and “The Nature of the Soul Course.” Both courses are available free of charge. “The Living Ethics Course” focuses on the development of the unfolding human soul through the science of meditation, the science of observation, and also through concentrated study and practical application of the virtues. “The Nature of the Soul” is also a course in self-initiated spiritual growth and development. 

The first meditation course, the Virtues of Living Ethics Course, is a hands-on course, which involves not only the study of higher spiritual principles such as freedom, harmlessness, service, and courage, for example, but provides the student with an opportunity to strive to put those principles into practice in their everyday life. Here is an excerpt from the first lesson, which is on freedom: “To the degree that a man approaches his soul and becomes a Soul does he become an independent human being and a being of greater cooperation. Many people think that independence is conditioned by outer events, but in reality it starts from within. Man cannot be independent unless he breaks all the inner chains, the inner slavery, and the inner imprisonment.”

The second meditation course, the Nature of the Soul, is for those who wish to broaden their understanding of humanity’s spiritual evolution. As it says in the Nature of the Soul: “The human family stands today upon the threshold of a new experience, that of Soul consciousness. Every man, woman, and child incarnate upon the planet is being brought closer to this happening by the force of evolution itself. Just as man is differentiated from the animal, in that he is a self-conscious human being, so shall he make yet another advance in awareness to become a Soul-conscious son of God. No longer must he walk in the shadow of spiritual ignorance, for the Light of his Soul is moving upon his horizon.”

The student may choose only one course at a time. Both courses provide the student with the necessary reading material, meditation work, and various assignments. Each student is also provided with a meditation secretary through which a student’s questions may be answered and comments shared. These courses require a certain degree of commitment, so we ask that a person think it over carefully before making a decision to go forward. Students will receive a new lesson once they have turned in a written report from the current lesson. Each person who completes the course will receive a Certificate of Completion.

WMEA Prisoner Program

If a friend or loved one is incarcerated and you feel they may benefit from this program, please send your request to WMEA, PO Box 11975, Prescott, AZ 86305.