Meditation for Thanksgiving


WMEA Meditation Garden at Izvara Property

WMEA Meditation Garden at Izvara Property


  1. Sit comfortably and relax your whole body and close your eyes.
  2. Feel deep joy and tranquility in your heart. Make your mind serene and clear of any thought.
  3. Feel the rhythm of your heart, and with every beat of your heart, radiate energy to your physical, emotional, and mental natures.
  4. Visualize your physical, emotional, and mental natures flooded with the light of your Inner Guide.
  5. The try to visualize above your head a shining star, and see a great stream of fiery energy pouring down and radiating out through your aura—purifying, healing, and energizing your whole nature.


  1. In your creative imagination, create in your mind a place in Nature which brings you joy. Perhaps a mountain, an ocean, a lake, a place in the forest. A place of beauty. Next, find a nice serene place to sit.
  2. Sit in a state of calmness – physically, emotionally and mentally.
  3. Use your creative imagination and visualize you are sitting in light. Let your mental body, which is all around your body, inhale the light and exhale it, purifying and strengthening itself. Do this very slowly.
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  5. Next, think about the spirit of gratitude. Imagine yourself being grateful. See you your physical body looks if you are grateful, how your emotions feel when you are grateful, how your mental body acts when you are grateful.
  6. Then think about the quality of gratitude. What does the quality of gratitude do? Does it make you active, excited, busy or emotional? Or does it bring rhythm, harmony, and integration into your system?
  7. Next, think about the purpose of gratitude. For what does gratitude really exist? Is the purpose of gratitude to heal, to expand your consciousness? How can you use the spirit of gratitude to reach higher levels of beingness?
  8. Next, think about the cause of gratitude. From where does it originate? Does it originate from a greater source, or is it a fabrication of your imagination? How does gratitude come into being?
  9. Next, ask yourself “How can I manifest or express gratitude with my actions, emotions, thoughts and creativity?
  10. In silence now, allow what you have created in this meditation to become absorbed into your consciousness. When you have time make a notation in your meditation journal of the things you thought about.

Slowly bring your consciousness back to the room and open your eyes.


With Love, Joleen

2014 copyright by White Mountain Education Association, Inc.



The Spirit of Gratitude

gratitude_winnie_the_poohWhen we live with the Spirit of Gratitude we will not hold on to things, we will not be greedy for material possessions. We will realize that we are getting everything we need and that attaching to people, things, and ideas just clogs up the works. There is a great sense of freedom in this recognition. This is how we become “more radiant than the sun” – by letting things flow through us – for we are aware of the great abundance we have in the Universe.

Gratitude-RockWe can look at the symbolism found in how we celebrate Thanksgiving. We come together to give thanks to one another. We experience a feeling of abundance, a continuous flow of energy that we are all a part of. Gratitude is a state we experience when we realize this abundance – even in our darkest hours.

Life is our teacher and it is constantly giving us opportunities to recognize our immortality, our part in an infinite life force. We fall out of a state of gratitude when we do not take advantage of the opportunities that are given to progress and transform our nature. Sometimes we do not see the opportunities because we want someone else to “save” us. Eventually we realize that it is only by our own efforts to be in harmony with the distribution process that we are “saved.”

GRATITUDE _child_daisyLiving in the Spirit of Gratitude we recognize the Beauty in our lives: in the environment, friends, enemies and even in hardships. There is beauty all around us – beauty in everything. We have beauty within us. When we see the beauty within we are recognizing the Divinity in our nature. Often we are identified with things we are not. This identification leads us into ingratitude. But, when we become aware of the Oneness of all life, we see that we are looking for beauty because in our essence, we are beauty. It is this striving toward the beauty of our Divinity that we place ourselves in the flow of the creative energy in the Universe.

When we isolate our self from this creative flow—this receiving and giving—we will see that communication breaks down, relationships deteriorate and we fall into inertia. When we isolate we create fear because we have separated ourselves from the flow. We begin to build “protective” barriers around our little self and move into a “take mode.” Instead of radiating our Divinity, we begin to think separately and selfishly – we feel we don’t have enough. We become like a huge container—taking in all that is coming to us but unable to let go one iota of what we see as “mine.”

This state leads to ingratitude and congestion. We cannot live in this state forever. The karma we create by being out of the flow will eventually crush us and we will be brought to our knees through our own actions. It is only by getting back in sync and harmony with the life giving process that we are able to move forward.

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With love and gratitude for each of you.




Torkom Saraydarian Writes About Scorpio


Torkom 3Scorpio is a sign that many people are wary about, thinking it brings about dark and sinister energies, and if you yourself were born into the sign of Scorpio, you would be a person to either avoid, or a person with whom to exercise extreme caution. However this is simply an old age understanding of the energies of Scorpio. Today’s Scorpio person is one to be admired; to admire his or her loyalty in friendship, intuitive insight, strength and persevering character. Of course there is also the darker side of Scorpio, the one who hides under a rock and is ready to pounce on you when you least expect an injection of his poison. However, since I tend to focus on the positive until a person proves his dark side, this short article, excerpted from a chapter written by Torkom Saraydarian will focus on the positive.

“The constellation of Scorpio sends special energies to us so that we utilize them and make breakthroughs. In this way our life becomes a blessing and a communication with infinite beauties and higher states of consciousness.

“….[Scorpio] activates international karma, releases layers of accumulated crystallization’s of the past, and makes nations face the results of their unrighteous deeds. It also brings to the surface seven factors in national and international life, and gives the leaders of the world an opportunity to make breakthroughs.

“Those seven factors are:

  • Scorpio energy hits your vanities.
  • Scorpio energy destroys self-will.
  • Scorpio energy destroys ego.
  • Scorpio energy destroys glamors.
  • Scorpio energy destroys illusions.
  • Scorpio energy destroys habits.
  • Scorpio energy destroys inertia or maya.” [1]

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“…If you are living in your Higher Self, the influence of Scorpio energy….brings devastation, but it is devastation of your glamors, illusions, and maya and it tries to release you from the chains by which you are bound.”[2]

To learn more about the energies of Scorpio you are invited to go to the banner along the top of this Blog, click on “zodiac newsletter” which will take you to a registration page, where you will receive monthly electronic mailings about the symphony of zodiacal energies.

With love,


[1] Torkom Saraydarian, The Wisdom of the Zodiac, excerpted from Chapter 25. Copyright 2011 The Creative Trust.

[2] Ibid